Monthly Recap: Mar. '23

Monthly Recap: Mar. '23

Hi friends! Oh dear... it's actually April. I can't believe it's already April, aka the month of my trade show! YIKES! There's so much left to do to prep so I'm going to keep this quick.

Favorite Sketchy goodies... this month was a bit quieter (post Valentine's Day, pre-Mother's Day) but lots of folks were loving on the They Believed card (I'm working on a re-design of this one) and the sale goodies!

March studio jams... I listen to a LOT of music, in between listening to a LOT of podcasts. The March playlist was damn good but I've also been listening to a lot of the podcast Plain English with Derek Thompson. He had a fantastic episode about the SVB bank fiasco and he's got such a great way of breaking down complicated topics. 

We've been watching... Licorice Pizza! I fully doubted this movie and then absolutely loved it! We also finished up The Wire, started Ozark, and I of course binged The Bachelor so I could listen to another favorite podcast, Game of Roses

Small business finds... I'm not sure if this counts as a small business find but I did find it at a cute local brunch spot! They had a dandy latte on the menu which was dandelion and chicory and caffeine free! My friend and I popped next door into the bakery after and they sell the powdered dandy mix! I foam up oat milk and pour the dandy 'coffee' over it for my 2nd cup of the day to cut down on my coffee intake. 

Highlights this month... 

  • At the beginning of March, Louie and I flew to Austin so I could teach some workshops at The Paper + Craft Pantry. It was Louie's first trip to Austin so we ate lots of BBQ, explored Austin, caught up with a bunch of my friends and just enjoyed the best corner of Texas. 

  • We also got to make a quick trip out to Palm Springs to visit with Louie's aunt and uncle. While we were there we got to visit Bobo Palm Springs(!!!) and Sunnylands, hike through the flowering and water-filled desert and see some Desert X art installations! 


  • Besides those two little adventures, I've pretty much been glued to my desk painting and editing new products! Luckily the studio company is pretty adorable... 
  • Small proud cat mama moment! Babka has been terrified of JUMPING up to the ledge of their catio ever since we installed it last month. She wouldn't even left me lift her up to it. Then I spotted a little wooden shelf/bookcase/ladder thing on the side of the road a couple weeks ago. I brought it home and tucked it in the corner of the catio and now SHE GOES UP ALL BY HERSELF! Baby girl just needed a step ladder :)


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